Tuesday, 30 July 2019

If you’re a reader, then I’m a writer.

Today’s burning question is, “Kim, are you a writer?”

When I attended my high school class’s 30-year reunion a couple of years ago, I was surprised by how many times my former classmates asked if I had become a professional writer. Ummm, no, I hadn’t. Not exactly.

At first, I was really disappointed in myself to answer that in the negative. I used to love to write creatively – poetry, essays, personal journals, well researched pieces or off-the-cuff nonsense – but it’s not something I’ve ever really done professionally more than a small handful of times. Since entering into the Parenting Zone, I don’t put any time at all into much that’s creative anymore, due primarily to sheer exhaustion and a slight match-3 gaming addiction.

I still have the first paycheck I received for a written piece. The publisher of The Kootenay Advertiser in Cranbrook, BC gave me the opportunity to do a book review, probably more to get me to go away and stop bothering him than out of any hope that I might actually put something together. Surprise! He liked it, it was published, and I could’ve successfully traded effort for money if I’d taken the check to the bank. Don’t let anyone tell you that I’m not sentimental.

I later ended up working at that paper for a while as a proofreader, not a writer, and here’s why:
  • I am highly detail-oriented (read that as “nit-picky” if you like), and
  • I go to pieces creatively if there is a deadline

Working in the production department of a newspaper turned out to be my absolute favourite job of all-time, easily beating out “waitress” (I will literally refill your tea cup with coffee, I’m that bad) and way more fun even than playing in the mud or climbing scaffolding as a construction project manager. While with the Advertiser, I occasionally had the opportunity to write a bit here and there, but it didn’t take me long to discover that the anxiety unleashed by an impending deadline was death to my creative process. Can’t draft a piece and vomit at the same time; far too messy and awkward.
When I eventually moved to the Lower Mainland, I chose to look for work on the production end of the publishing arts – physically putting the paper together, pre-press – rather than in the Editorial department.

Goodness, no! I'm not THAT old!
Away back then, in the late 1980s and into the 90s, newspaper publishing was going through a transition from manual to digital composition. No, I did not have to hand-set reversed lead letters onto trays (it wasn’t the 1880s) but typesetters then were the production mystics who magically coded all of their Compugraphic type and pulled it out of the processor like typographic bunnies popping up from a hat. All of the columns of editorial type and every bit of an advertisement were stripped into the layouts by hand and stuck on with soft wax so the strips could be repositioned. Pictures processed in the darkroom by other wizards were outlined manually with “hairline” tape; inevitably, the soles of my shoes were covered in tidbits of tape and waxy paper. Everyone ran around with Xacto knives in their hands; mine lived in my back pocket and I accidentally washed it through the laundry countless times. (I still have my own pristine E-gauge and an 18-inch metal line gauge, and I’ll definitely smack your hands if you touch them!) 
I love my line gauge. Don't touch.

By the time I left that industry in 1997, all of the composition and production was digital – the darkroom and processors with their nightmare mixtures of chemicals were gone, the waxers had hit the scrapheap, and all of our proofs were printed on plain white, 20-lb copy paper to be scribbled on with whatever pen you had handy because the final version never appeared on paper till it came off the press.

When I was with the Advertiser, which published once a week, 95% of my time was spent proofreading everything from 2-line classified ads to double-page feature spreads, plus all of the editorial content that was either written in house or submitted by the public. The other 5% of my time was taken up by trying to be helpful on press-day, wherever a spare pair of hands were needed, till all the layouts were approved for press by the Production Manager.

Someone once posted an error-riddled piece that had published in a different, local paper up on our lunchroom bulletin board, with a sweet note like “this won’t happen here with Kim around!”; the publisher gave me a nice raise that week, too.

My time later at the North Shore News was the most fun earning a wage that I’ve ever had in my life – I still can’t believe what they paid me there to do something I enjoyed that much. I worked night-shift so I rarely had to dress up or see the executives (yay, jeans & T-shirts forever!). As the shift went on and the building emptied of every other department except for us Prod Squad heathens, the work flew by and the stereo just kept getting louder. Because the bulk of our work was labour-intensive but not massively tasking on the brain, we all sang along with varying degrees of volume and talent, or we listened to the Canucks hockey games on the radio. Eventually, we were all trained up on the new digital graphic composition software so we had to think a little more and sing a little less, but it was still like a party at your friend’s house every day. Good times!

All of that to say this: nope, not a writer when I worked for the assorted printers and  newspapers.

After 10 years, I left the papers behind and went back to school, graduating from BCIT in 1999 as a newly minted Building Engineering Technologist. That translated into a job with an engineering company where I was a construction project manager, working mostly with building envelope retrofits on wood frame construction. People’s eyes used to glaze over whenever I gave that answer to the typical “what do you do for a living?” chit-chat question, so I would usually add this cheeky bit, too: “I wear the white hat and tell the boys what to do.” (Not entirely true, but pretty accurate, really.)

Part of my job then was to compile and create construction specifications (written instructions for what product to use to fix which thing) and issue details & drawings for how the repairs were to be carried out. I never told anyone how to swing their hammer. I just made sure that the new work was completed the way it was designed to have been done.

Construction specifications are legal documents. The joke is that nobody reads the things until they’re walking into court. They’re boring, they’re 100% technical because that’s just not the place to get creative, and did I mention that they’re boring?

"Leaky Condo" ~ fun, fun, fun.
I was also heavily involved in issuing building condition assessment reports. These are also highly technical documents, not wildly exciting to read but important in their way. If you’re helping condo owners to understand what’s going on with their homes’ structure, accuracy is everything and you definitely don’t want to get dramatic (the repair bill will be scary enough for anyone.)

To summarize: yes, I was a writer in the engineering field, but I wasn’t producing anything that anyone would actually want to read.

In early June of 2003, I retired from the construction industry. That date miraculously coincides with the birth of my first child, and I’ve had the blessing of being an at-home parent ever since. Worse hours, lousy pay, and my coworkers are beyond strange, but I like the boss so I hang around.

But…. Maybe now, I’m a writer? You’re reading this mess (and thanks for that!), and I wrote it, so I guess that’s how this works? I press the “publish” button and that identifies my role as “author”. I’m still not entirely sure where I’m going with this whole blog experience but it is fun. It has prompted some deep thoughts on my part that I wasn’t entirely expecting, and has launched some interesting discussions & heart-to-hearts with my significant other, so that’s been worthwhile.

I think that I will keep writing for a while yet. I hope that you will enjoy reading along, too.

~ 30 ~

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

We are what we are.

Now that I’m done hollering and crying, I might as well write for a few minutes. I’ve spent most of the last 50 years trying not to feel the strong emotions and then avoiding expressing those that snuck in anyway. Turns out that’s not a healthy way to live your life – who knew? (okay, everybody but 49-year old me knew that.) But we are what we are.

Today is my birthday; I am now officially 50 years old. Today is Tuesday and I’m hosting my celebration birthday party this Saturday, so today was intended to be a pretty quiet day. I was going to get some extra rest and try to shake off this annoying fever/sore throat/ugly headache thing that’s been bugging me for the last couple of days… no big deal. Peaceful rest; quiet day…

Suddenly my kids are all screaming, “MOM!!!!!!! Alli’s got a raccoon!!!! MOMMMMMMMM!!!!”

If you haven’t seen us in person lately, then you might not know that Alli is our lovable, adorable, sweet-natured pet. She’s also an 85-pound German Shepherd with a God-given, instinctive prey drive. The same mouth that will tenderly lift a mini-marshmallow out of your hand like a whisper was now literally going for the jugular on a wild animal that is equally equipped to defend itself. Cue the growling and all the excitement and fuss you’d expect on this week’s backyard edition of Predator vs Prey, plus the audience crying.

(Side note: I have an impressive “mom” voice. I’ve unintentionally made other people’s kids straighten up at the grocery store. But it turns out that my mom voice is nothing compared to my deep, authoritative, military grade dog-command voice – I’m sure the neighbours down the street heard my “LEAVE IT!!!”)

The short answer is that the dog is scratched up but not hurt, the raccoon got away under her own power and I truly hope she’s not badly injured, and my kids have settled down now that they know Alli’s had all of her shots. I was afraid that I’d have to cart off a dead raccoon but thankfully, that didn’t come to pass. Once the show was over, all that adrenaline turned on my water-works, too, and I had a good cry.

“Why would Alli do that?” was a popular question with the under-12 crowd. But we know the answer, right? She’s not a bad dog – she’s a dog. Dogs have that instinct to catch their own meals. Some dogs have it more strongly than others, and some dogs (like Alli) have the size, skill and ability to act on that drive. I didn’t think that a raccoon would come through the gap in our locked, back gate in broad daylight when that fence line so obviously smells like a big dog patrols it on a regular basis, but I was wrong. Dogs, raccoons… we are what we are.


While that is definitely true for animals, it doesn’t have to be the unchangeable truth for people. I can learn, I can grow, I can become better. Or I can be hurt, I can hide, I can withdraw. Worse yet, I can be wounded and then lash out and become the problem that someone else is learning to overcome. That’s a sobering truth, especially as a parent. While I am “this” today, I don’t want to still be stuck here tomorrow, or next week, or on my next birthday. I want to do better, to feel better, to be a better me, to become the best “me” that Christ had in mind when He set me loose on the world.

So… I’ve started in the past couple of years to figure out why I do the things that I do, and see if I could truly improve my physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. (Short answer: yes, I’m getting there, on all fronts.) There have been some intensely difficult, uncomfortable moments of sorting out childhood trauma, of repairing mistakes that I had made myself, of seeking forgiveness and of offering it to others. I’ve seen some beautiful, wonderful signs of healing that I know could only have come through God’s endless grace, and I know in my heart that He has far more in store for me yet.

I’ve had to really work at opening up about how I feel, too, which is difficult for me. My handsome husband has always been a safe and willing ear to listen to me but it’s my nature to keep everything all bottled up; I’m learning. I recently found the courage to share a truth with him that, even after nearly 18 years of marriage, Mike had no idea about: I prefer Pepsi over Coke. Yep, I really do. We are what we are.

~ 30 ~

Saturday, 6 July 2019

From the Vault: "I'm breaking up with Hockey"

originally posted on Facebook, January 2013

This is hard to say, Hockey, so I'm just gonna be honest with you: it's over. 

We've been together a long time, and we've been through a lot together. I still remember when we first met, when I was just a baby cuddled in my daddy's arms while he was hollering at the refs in a Habs game. You were so bright and shiny back then. 

Remember when I was 5, and I thought that the HNiC theme music was our national anthem? "bump-dumpty-bump…". Yeah, those were good times. 

I stood by you in '94 when you got into that bit of trouble in downtown Vancouver. You promised that you'd clean up your act, and I admit that for 17 years you kept your word and we didn't have any more "incidents" like that until you fell off the wagon in 2011. It broke my heart to see you do that to yourself; Hockey, I love you, but I cannot enable your destructive behavior anymore. 

You know these past few years have been hard for us, Hockey. You see it, too. You've changed a lot over the years. You are too high-maintenance for me. It's great that you're stronger and faster, but you've never completely shed your mean streak and nobody can make you see that your head-shots and dirty tricks are an embarrassment. I'd hoped you would outgrow that and mature but I was wrong. 

I'm also worried about the friends you keep -- do you really believe that the League, and Owners, and political button-pushers have kept your best interests in mind? They're using you, Hockey, but you won't see it. 

I didn't initially agree with your decision for us to take a break last fall, Hockey, but you ignored my opinion and launched your lockout anyway. But I'm glad for that after all because some time apart has given me the opportunity to see our relationship for what it really had become. I have had my moment of clarity. It was all one-sided, it all had to be your way: you set the schedule, you picked the jersey, it was always, "Hey, come watch me" and "Buy my stuff" but never once did you check to see if you were meeting my needs. 

I've barely heard from you in months, but I've heard a lot about you. I heard you were running all over Europe with whatever team would sign a check that week. That's low, Hockey. 

Then last week, out of the blue, you show up on my front steps like you'd never been gone. Like I should welcome you right back in? Well, that's not going to happen, Hockey. I figured by Christmas that you were never coming back and that we were through once and for all. 

I've started seeing other sports, too. Nothing serious yet -- it's too soon, I need to heal -- but you might as well hear it from me. I was out a few times with CFL last fall, and I've made some new friends at NFL, too. My dear friend MLB will be back in the spring, and who knows where that might lead? But regardless of those friendships, I have to stand my ground here and say goodbye, Hockey. 
We're through. 

I packed your stuff and it's in a box in your mom's garage. Good luck.

~ 30 ~

Friday, 5 July 2019

From the Vault: "Bibleholic"

previously posted on Facebook in January 2014

I repost this from time to time. Sometimes someone will ask for it, and other times I think I just enjoy the sound of my own voice in my head... but anyway, for the New Year and to encourage all of our annual reading schedules and whatnot, I give you "The Bibleholic Testimony".

Hi, my name is Kim, and I’m a Bibleholic. I have become completely addicted to reading my Bible every day.

My Bible reading habit started out innocently, years ago. I would just read the Bible socially, usually if I was out with friends on Sunday morning. At first I think I was only reading a little bit so that I would feel like I fit in with the crowd, but of course I kept at it and eventually got a taste for it myself. I could see others around me who didn’t seem to need their Bible and could put it aside on a whim, but soon I realized that I could not stop by myself. I needed that Bible, more and more. Now I read the Bible daily and usually when I am alone.

Even on my “good” days, I wake up and reach for my Bible first thing. The day can’t really start without getting in that first couple of verses; without that, I don’t feel like I can function. On “bad” days, I go back to the Bible over and over and over. I have developed a 3- or 4-chapter a day habit, and at this rate I’ll probably go through the whole thing in just a year – even as I write that, I have to be honest and admit that even that won’t feel like “enough” and I’ll still keep going back for more. I have my favorite Bible, of course, and I don’t even hide it around the house anymore; it’s right out in the open, I’m almost defiant about it. But I also have a couple secret stashes, including a small book of Psalms and the New Testament hidden away in my purse, just in case.

I’ve heard that the true mark of addiction is when you see your personality change because of the stuff, and I know that’s happening to me. Seems like the more I read my Bible, the more different I get, and people who knew me years ago barely recognize my current behavior. I act different, I sound different, and I even look different. I don’t have much interest in what seemed like fun back then, before I developed my Bible addiction. Seems like everything I want to do now, and any of the people that I want to spend time with, are all related to that Bible. Most of my old friends gave up and stopped calling a long time ago when they realized I was going to put the Bible first over them.

Of course no one wants to be alone all the time, and I found myself deliberately choosing to spend my time with other people who are just as into their Bible as I was getting into mine. I guess we enable each other because nobody is talking about quitting! And as long as I’m being completely honest here, I better admit that I have encouraged a lot of other people to read the Bible themselves. Even children. Yes, I have actually given Bibles to my own children, while they were still too young to really choose for themselves. And not watered-down kiddie versions, either – I gave my kids the full KJV, the real deal.
So this is how I’m living today, a full-blown Bibleholic. I know the trend today is to say everybody is a victim but I have to admit that I chose this, knowing full well what I was ultimately getting into. And I am not interested in any worldly “interventions” that might “cure” me of any of this. On the day I die and go to Heaven, I want everyone who knows me to say, “We knew this would happen – she just wouldn’t put that Bible down.”

~ 30 ~