Friday, 7 June 2019

The Launch of The Blog by The Writer

The blog of a thousand words begins with a blank screen, a cup of coffee, and a lot of excuses to go do something else. Anything else, even housework, but anything other than actually act on this idea that anyone would be even slightly interested in my thoughts.

Let's face it, my thoughts are not very profound (usually) and probably pretty weird (frequently).

But  my 50th birthday is coming up, which is a milestone that prompts a lot of reflection and introspection, and a couple of good friends suggested that I should share some personal trivia as the day approaches. Their request appealed in equal parts to my vanity and their curiosity, so here we all are...

This first post has no meat in it but don't leave yet! If you want to stay connected to my ramblings, please follow/like/sign up or whatever it is we do with blogs. I'm still working out the mechanics here; be patient.  **Update: the column to the right should have an email subscription thingie**

Here's a little teaser to keep you coming back ~ future postings will include exciting stories like:
  • my favourite vacation moments (including that one where I wondered if I'd be diving off a yacht in the  middle of the night)
  • coffee, and why no one wants me to live without it
  • employment: the best, the worst, and how I made $$$ getting covered in blue ink
  • funny stories about Mike (because I have a blog and he doesn't!)
  • my hobbies, and how I do them without swearing too much
  • ...{your suggestion here; I take requests}...


  1. Here is my comment. I jest! I am so excited to get to read about your 50 years of life!

    1. thanks, Renee! I hope that this lives up to your expectations LOL

    2. Haha! Finally got a chance to figure out the subscribe thingy! Can’t wait to catch up.

    3. Awesome! Thank you for reading.


Thanks for offering your comment ~ I appreciate your feedback!